Our Story

Hi! I’m Dolyn.

I live with my husband, daughter, and dog in WilliamsBURG, Brooklyn.

I’ve worked in unscripted television for 10 years and am an expert in finding talented people, telling their stories, and delivering information in an entertaining way. When I had my daughter in 2022, I became obsessed with creating a better resource for parental education. Now, I’m taking my TV producer skills and translating them into producing a new way for people to learn how to parent.

Becoming a mother was the most life-changing thing that has ever happened to me and I felt like I was left to figure it out all on my own. There was a whole new dictionary of things I had never heard of – CIO, BLW, EBF… not to mention flanges, Ms. Rachel, cradle cap, and wake windows. Literally everything felt new and overwhelming.

There were a million different social media accounts, courses, professionals, friends, and family members to consult. I paid $100 for a 5-hour video course on sleep, read a 280-page book on potty training, and followed 10 different Instagram accounts on physical milestones. It felt like a full-time job to consume all of this content in order to learn how to parent.

So, I created The Burg as the trusted resource my friends and I wish we had. It’s your one-stop shop for all things parenting. I’ve partnered with incredible specialists in their fields to create the simplest guides on the market. And I’ve asked our members to share their personal experiences to curate an open community of like-minded parents. The Burg’s goal is to make parents feel empowered, prepared, and less alone.

I hope you love it as much as I do!



P.S. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to parenting. This site is designed to give you information that makes you feel reassured and empowered… not pressured. Use only the tools that work for you and your family. Always consult a medical professional if you have concerns.

Our Collaborators

Dr. Jamilet Alegria, MD



Jocelyn M. Wood, SLP

Speech Language Pathologist

Denise Long, OT

Occupational Therapist


Lucia Oliveira

Sleep Coach

Dr. Alana Resnick, PsyD

Child Psychologist


Kristin Linden, RN & IBCLC

Lactation Consultant

Dr. Jeff Dobro


Frequently Asked Questions

Why pay?

Members have exclusive access to:

  • 30+ Parenting Guides
    Exclusive access to our easy-to-read, expert-vetted age-by-age and topic guides. We have the simplest guides on the market!


  • Ask an Expert
    Only members can submit questions to be answered by our experts.


  • Private Facebook Group
    Exclusive member group to talk to fellow members and The Burg experts.

Ad Free
Because we’re ad-free – you won’t see any bothersome pop-up ads or a cluttered site.

Unique Offering
No other source delivers easily digestible parenting guides across a host of different topics AND builds a community of like-minded experts and caregivers.

Unique Point of View: We deliver clinical information and real-world usages of it. We understand that no parent is perfect. Our only goal is to give you information that makes you feel empowered to understand your child – not to pressure you to do everything by the book.

Where is the information on the site coming from:

Each article is co-written with one of our 6 experts (either a pediatrician, child psychologist, speech pathologist, occupational therapist, sleep coach, or lactation consultant). In many cases, information is coming from trusted sources like the CDC or AAP. Much of the information comes from our own hours of research and personal experiences. It has been culled down to only include the advice parents are really looking for. 

Who are our experts:

We have 6 Experts on Board. For additional information, see our Collaborators Section.

  1. Dr. Jamilet Alegria, MD (Pediatrician)
  2. Dr. Alana Resnick, PsyD (Child Psychologist)
  3. Jocelyn M. Wood, SLP (Speech Pathologist & Feeding Expert)
  4. Denise Long, OT (Occupational Therapist)
  5. Lucia Oliveira (Sleep Consultant)
  6. Kristin Linden, NICU RN and IBCLC (Lactation Consultant)

What ages do our guides cover:

For our initial launch – we are focused on ages 0-2 years. Though some of our information (primarily the Social & Emotional Guides) go up to 5 years old. We have content on tantrums, potty training, the transition to toddler beds, and developmental milestones that go beyond 2 years of age. As we expand, we will create more content related to older children. If there’s something you want to see us cover, please send us a message: [email protected]

What Is our free content:

1. Real Parent Profiles: These profiles are constantly updated with new parents in the community who share their experiences. It’s one thing to read the expert-driven facts, but it’s a completely different thing to see how parents dealt with various issues in the real world. 

2. 5 free guides:


          What is included in membership:

          Included in membership is everything above, plus the below:

          1. Parenting Guides & Resources Across 7 Key Topics 

          plus additional sub-topics and guides

          1. Sleep
          2. Lactation
          3. Starting Solids
          4. Speech
          5. Physical Milestones
          6. Social / Emotional
          7. Teeth

          2. Milestone Trackers: age by age guides on everything your baby is doing at each stage from Expecting Parents to 24 Months. 

          3. Ask An Expert Articles: Access to anonymously ask our experts questions and get them answered plus additional articles from our experts. 

          4. Private Facebook Group


          How much is membership:

           Members pay a one time fee of $115 for unlimited access

          Become a member by clicking here.

          All the expert-approved parenting ADVICE you actually want… in ONE PLACE!