These sample schedules are just one example of how you might schedule your child. They are meant to help you learn what you might expect from your child at each stage. No child will stick exactly to these schedules each day. See age-specific tips below.

0 – 1 Month

You can start trying to put your baby on a schedule around 2 weeks. Before 2 weeks, just feed and sleep on demand

    6am/7am – Feed (right back to sleep – Nap 1 )
    9am – Feed
    9:30am – Play (10-30 min)
    10am – Nap 2

    12pm – Feed
    12:30pm – Play
    1pm – Nap 3
    3pm – Feed
    3:30pm – Play
    4pm – Nap 4
    6pm – Feed
    6:30pm – Play
    7pm – Nap 5 
    8:30pm – Bath 
    9pm – Feed
    9:30pm – Bedtime
    12:30AM – Feed
    3:30Am – Feed

    1 – 2 Months

    Below is just a sample schedule. It’s incredibly hard to always stick to this. You may find that it’s easier for you to make your schedule fluid each day and more defined by wake windows than set nap times. You may also want to stick to “reset times” (Meaning you may always feed at 5:30pm no matter what. This allows your schedule to reset in time for the ultra-important 8:30pm feed before the night — even if that means squishing 2 feeds close together). 

    Short naps are common! See our SHORT NAP article for tips.

    7 am – Wake & Feed
    7:30/8 am – Nap 1
    9aM: FEED
    9:30 am: Play 
    10am – Nap 2
    12pm – Feed
    12:30pm – Play
    1pm – Nap 3
    3pm – Feed
    3:30pm – Play
    4pm – Nap 4 
    5:30pm – Feed
    6:00pm – Play (may be “witching hour” and extra fussy)
    6:30pm – Nap 5 (Catnap)
    8:00pm – Bath 
    8:30pm – Feed
    9:00pm – Bedtime
    Between 2 am – 3 am: Feed (when baby wakes, don’t need to wake baby to feed)

    2 – 4 Months

    Below is just a sample schedule. It’s incredibly hard to always stick to this. You may find that it’s easier for you to make your schedule fluid each day and more defined by wake windows than set nap times. You may also want to stick to “reset times” (Meaning you may always feed 4pm no matter what. This allows your schedule to reset in time for the ultra-important 8:30pm feed before the night — even if that means squishing 2 feeds close together). 

    Transitioning from a later bedtime (around 9pm) to the more typical 7:30pm bedtime is difficult. You may need to shift schedules on days the naps don’t work out or use contact napping to elongate naps.

    7am – Feed
    7:30am – Play 
    8:30am – Nap 1 
    10am – Feed
    10:30am – Play
    11:30am – Nap 2
    1pm – Feed
    1:30pm – Play
    2:30pm – Nap 3
    4pm – Feed
    4:30pm – Play
    5:30pm – Nap 4 (Catnap)
    6:30pm – Bath 
    7pm – Feed
    7:30pm – Bedtime
    2:30-4:30am – Feed (Eliminate this feed as you sleep train around 3-4 months) 

    4 – 6 Months

    We recommend implementing a set schedule during this time vs. your previous more fluid schedule determined by wake windows.  At this stage – you can pick one of the below times to give solids. We typically recommend the 8am time so you can see how any allergens may affect baby during the day.

      7am – Milk
      8am – Option for solids
      9am – Nap 1
      11am – Milk
      12PM – option for solids
      1PM – Nap 2
      3pm – Milk
      4pm – option for solids
      5pm – Nap 3 (Catnap)
      6:30pm – Bath 
      7pm – Milk
      7:30pm – Bedtime

      6 – 9 Months

      If you start Solids at 6 months, we recommend offering solids 1x/day at 6 months, 2x/ day at 7 months, and 3x/day at 8 months.

        7am – Milk
        8:30am – Option for solids
        10am – Nap 1
        12pm – Milk
        1:30PM – option for solids
        2:30PM – Nap 2
        4pm – Milk
        5pm – option for solids
        6pm – Bath 
        6:30pm – Milk
        7pm – Bedtime

        9 – 12 Months

        We recommend that you drop the 4pm milk at 10 months and replace it with a solids snack. 

          7am –milk
          8:30am – solids
          10am – Nap 1
          12pm – solids
          2pm – Milk
          2:30PM – Nap 2
          4pm – Milk or Snack
          5pm – solids
          6pm – Bath 
          6:30pm – Milk
          7pm – Bedtime

          12 – 18 Months

          2 nap schedule is the same as your 9-12 Month Schedule.

          1 Nap Schedule:

          7am – milk
          8:30am – Breakfast
          10am –snack
          11:30/12pm – Lunch
          12:30/1pm – Nap
          3pm – Snack
          5pm – dinner
          6pm – Bath 
          6:30pm – Milk
          7pm – Bedtime

          12 - 24 Months+

          This schedule is relevant as long as your child naps. Children tend to stop napping anywhere from 2-5 years old and most typically between 3-4 years old. 

          As your child gets older, their bedtime will get later. 

          Your child may stop drinking milk around age 2. Replace Milk in schedule with additional snacks if your child wants them. You may also move breakfast earlier and dinner later.

          7am – milk
          8:30am – Breakfast
          10am –snack
          11:30/12pm – Lunch
          12:30/1pm – Nap
          3pm – Snack
          5pm – dinner
          6pm – Bath 
          6:30pm – Milk
          7-8:30pm – Bedtime