Child’s Age: 1 Years Old
Location: Brooklyn
Fun Fact About You: I speak 6 languages. And I have been working as a speech language pathologist for the past 15 years and have helped 100s of children speak their first words. For more information, visit or @speechwithjwo on IG!

What has one of your biggest parenting hurdles been?

I always thought that I would breastfeed my child. After all, I have studied infant feeding throughout my career, and am even considered a specialist in this area. I did all the things: I met with a trusted ICBLC before I gave birth, I tried to harvest colostrum beginning two weeks before my due date, I got the best breast pump on the market, and bought every cute nursing bra I could find. At my prenatal appointment the ICBLC, she had mentioned that I may have difficulty with supply, so to think about how I would want to supplement. I brushed it off… 

When Lucien was born, I did in fact have trouble with supply. I spent the first week triple feeding, which was exhausting to say the least. Not only was Lucien born with a tongue and lip tie which made latching extremely difficult for him, but I was diagnosed with insufficient glandular tissue (IGT), which meant that I would have supply issues. 

I think learning this early in our journey was extremely helpful for my mental health, but also our feeding relationship. I got the help I needed early on, and although it was initially upsetting, Lucien flourished as a formula fed baby.

What has one of your proudest parenting moments been? 

I think the thing I am proudest of is that my child is the most social and happy child. He warmly greets everyone he meets with a big smile and wave, and is beginning to say “hi” paired with his wave. I love watching him grow into this friendly personality!

What’s the parenting advice you wish you got?

As a parent and speech language pathologist, my perspective has totally shifted! Every child moves at their own pace. If you aren’t ready to drop the bottle on your child’s first birthday IT’S OKAY! Just make it a goal to start weaning in the next few months.

What’s a perfect parenting product you used? 

I’m obsessed with these little ear and nose cleaners. There is something so gratifying about pulling things out of your baby’s nose and ears.

What new things are happening in your child’s life this month? 

Lucien just turned one and is beginning to say his first words. He loves eating fruits and vegetables, but also just discovered he loves cake. Soon, we will take a daring adventure on an airplane to visit grandparents and great-grandparents in Florida!