Denise Long, OT

Author & Reviewer

About Denise

Denise Long is an Occupational Therapist. She graduated with her Bachelor’s degree in Biology/Health Science and received her Master degree in Occupational Therapy from Touro College in 2001, with a specialty in pediatrics. Since then, she has been treating in the field of pediatrics for 22 years in various settings including hospital, school, and private practice. Currently, she works as a home-based therapist with babies ranging from 0-3 years old in private practice and as part of New York City’s Early Intervention program. She is trained in the areas of Neurodevelopmental Therapy (NDT) and Sensory Integration. 

In 2009, she became a mom and it taught her to be a way better therapist. It taught her empathy and how to better talk to parents about their child’s needs. When her son was 20 months old, he received speech therapy and she got to experience being on the other side of her profession. She learned how it felt to be a “nervous” parent and thinking “will my child ever talk?” With the help of great therapies, her son started talking at 2 ½ years old and is now doing great in high school. As an Occupational Therapist and mother, she did (of course) make sure that his shoulders became super strong, so he could have great velocity to be a baseball pitcher when he got older. At 14 years old, he did become that strong baseball pitcher that she dreamed of him becoming. Now hopefully he goes to the MLB!